Minimal Pairs

Minimal Pairs:
  • Population:
    • Children 3 years- 6 years
    • Ideal for mild-moderate level of phonological impairment 
    • For children without concomitant hearing, oral motor, or language difficulties 
    • Can be used with other populations if combined with other approaches
  • Purpose of the approach:
    • To increase phonological awareness
  • Steps of the approach:
    • Suggested amount of therapy: twice a week, for 9 and a half week, totally to around 18 hours
    • Only recommended for individual therapy sessions
  • Two types of approaches:
    • Meaningful Minimal Pair Intervention:
      • Child is challenged to produce a contrast betwwwe the word pair in the 1st intervention session
      • 3 Steps:
      1. Familiarization
      2. Listen and pick-up
      3. Production of minimal pair words
    • Perception-Production Minimal Pairs Intervention 
      • Children receives perception training followed by imitation speech production practice before starting spontaneous speech production practice 
      • 4 Steps:
      1. Familiarization and perception training
      2. Production- word imitation 
      3. Production- independent naming
      4. Production- minimal pairs
  • Materials Needed:
    • Picture stimuli
    • Games or toys
  • Assessment and Progress:
    • Still want qualitative and quantitative evidence 
    • Generalization Data


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