Technological Approaches

Electropalatography Feedback: EPG
Personal Retainer

  • Population:
    • For all ages
      • mostly ages 6 year and older
    • Recommended for:
      • Persistent speech sound disorders
      • Cleft palates
  • Dosage:
    • Varies
      • typically 6-20 sessions
  • Description:
    • Each child receives a personal retainer modeled by a dentist
    • Retainer is connected to device such as SmartPalate                                                                      
  • Professional involved:
    • Specially trained speech-language pathologist
    • Dentist 
  • Other comments;
    • Expensive 
    • Mostly seen in the UK
    • A motor based approach
    • SmartPalate is a popular product

Ultrasound as Biofeed

Please view video above!
  • Population:
    • All ages
      • 6 years and older recommended 
    • persistent speech sound disorders
        • specifically helpful for /r/
  • Focuses on placement, movement, and auditory stimulation of articulators
  • Treatment typically last 8-10 weeks
    • Shorter sessions that other approaches 
  • Professionals involved:
    • specially trained speech-language pathologist
  • Other comments:
    • Technology is expensive 
    • Mostly speech-language pathologist do not have access to this


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